

表單控制(Form controls) · Bootstrap 5 繁體中文文件

使用自定義的樣式,尺寸,focus 狀態等為文本形式控制元件如 、 進行升級。

Input 群組(Input group) - Bootstrap



The most popular HTML, CSS, and JS library in the world.

Input group

Easily extend form controls by adding text, buttons, or button groups on either side of textual inputs, custom selects, and custom file inputs.


The .form-group class is the easiest way to add some structure to forms. It provides a flexible class that encourages proper grouping of labels, controls, ...

Floating labels

Create beautifully simple form labels that float over your input fields.

Input group · Bootstrap v5.0

Easily extend form controls by adding text, buttons, or button groups on either side of textual inputs, custom selects, and custom file inputs.

Bootstrap 4 Form Input Group

Bootstrap 4 Input Groups. The .input-group class is a container to enhance an input by adding an icon, text or a button in front or behind the input field ...